Plataforma 180 : A Espiral De Bukowski - ERP - P300 - CBP Future Great Filter

A Espiral de Bukowski: Cesar Zanin - sintetizadores, processador de efeitos, sampler, sequenciador, loop station e gravações de campo; Mariana Cetra - vocalizações e teclado Casiotone com pedais de efeitos para guitarra, acordeom, escaleta, flauta doce, maraca e castanholas. Gravado do palco por Cesar usando um portastudio Zoom R16 em 24/03/2016 no SESC Sorocaba durante o evento ExperimentaSom. Masterizado por Alexandre Marino. Foto da capa por Edgard 'Degas' Steffen. A Espiral de Bukowski is a Brazilian duo making what we call "on-the-spot-music" (or something like experimental-drone-noise-psychedelic-kraut-dub-electronic improvisation-driven music); a project by Cesar Zanin and Mariana Cetra (of the bands Magic Crayon and Fotograma). The album ERP-P300-CBP future great filter was released on the 1st june 2016 and is the recording of the performance by A Espiral de Bukowski on Rasgada Coletiva's ExperimentaSom at Sesc Sorocaba - SP, Brazil on the 24th march 2016. It is their last album before an exchangeprogram via University of São Paulo that will lead Cesar to study in Italy.
To free download: